Pre-owned MRI Scanner with excellent capabilities

  • Brand: Siemens
  • Model: Aera 1.5T
  • Condition: Complete and fully functional according to OEM standard
  • Field strength: 1.5T
  • Channels: 48
  • Gradient strength: 45/200
  • Gradient Type: XQ
  • Magnet YOM: 2012
  • Magnet Type: 26098822
  • Helium level: Min 50% by warehouse pickup
  • Compressor YOM: 2020
  • Compressor type: F-70H
  • Compressor running hours: 10224.1
  • Cold head model: RDK-408L3
  • Cold head model no.: 35L18J67C
  • Coils: Peripheral Angio 36, Body 18, Flex Interface, Flex Large 4, Shoulder large 16, Head Neck 20, Shoulder Small 16, Spine
  • External workstation: 10140720
  • SW version external workstation: SyngoMMWP – VE40A
  • SW options external workstation: Ask for details.
  • Operation system console: NUMARIS/4 Syngo MR D13
  • SW version console: VD13A
  • SW options console: Ask for details